Friday, July 31, 2009

Hey everyone,
I had to put the blog on hold for a bit because I got sick and had to travel around to get medical care. But I'm back in Tola now, and as far as I can tell, everything is going to be fine.
Granada was cool, but I got sick the first day we arrived, so my experience was tainted, to say the least. I think until I visit Granada again, in good health, I won't be able to appreciate it fully. We went to one of the volcanoes in the area- Mombacho- and hiked the trail around the craters at the top. I was in a lot of pain, but walking around in the cloud forest was still pretty exhilarating. I also saw tons of beautiful foliage, including birds of paradise, which was awesome. Unfortunately it was super overcast, so we couldn't see anything from the top of the volcano. THat was a huge bummer, and for that reason and a few others, I'm determined to get to another volcano before I leave, hike it, see the view, and enjoy myself! I hope I can make it happen. My host family and I had planned a trip for this weekend to Catarina, which is near Masaya, but I have to pull out because I'm still recovering.
I think life will be back to "normal" on Monday, and I'll have had time to process everything that has happened and write a nicer post.
Dale pues!

1 comment:

Ellen said...

Hi Joc,
I am so glad you are feeling better. Your blog is so interesting and your family sounds good. Tell us about the volcano!
Standing by,